For New Patients

Our goal is to make it easy to begin treatment, with just two steps:

Step One

Please telephone (310) 440-1015.

You may be connected directly with a therapist when you call, or you may reach voicemail. If you reach voicemail, please leave your name and phone number for a direct call back from a therapist.

The therapist will respond to your request and make an appropriate recommendation.

If the recommendation includes an appointment, a date and time will be arranged with you.

Appointments may be in-person or via telemedicine.

Step Two

Please download any necessary Intake Forms as discussed with the therapist. All forms are available on this page.

Please fill out any designated forms.

For in-person appointments bring completed forms with you to your first appointment. If your appointment is via telemedicine, you will be given mailing instructions to send the forms.

That's it.

We look forward to hearing from you.You may contact us with any questions you have.

Patient INTAKE FORMS (click to download those you need)

  1. Intake Form New Patient

  2. Chris Vallier Office Policies and Informed Consent

  3. Authorization of Release for Protected Health Information

  4. GAD-7 Anxiety Update

  5. Patient Medical History

  6. Patient Consent Form for Telemedicine

  7. California HIPPA Medical Release Form

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At VallierTherapy, our work with clients helps them identify and heal those habits and behaviors that block them from making progress in their lives. They become free to remember what they wanted before they derailed from themselves, their lives, and their relationships. We build the skills needed to move forward.